Results For America Highlights Baltimore's Outcome Budgeting System as National Best Practice

Tuesday Jan 16th, 2018
Results for America Case Study

Results for America featured Baltimore's Outcome Budgeting system as a national best practice included in their January newsletter, "4 Ways Local Governments Are Solving Problems (Steal These Ideas!)". Baltimore joined Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Atlanta as 1 of 4 case studies showcasing how cities are harnessing the power of data and evidence to make more informed decisions and deliver better results for residents.

Results for America's case study discusses the development of the BBMR-initiated Outcome-Budgeting process: "Baltimore’s ground-breaking outcome budgeting system has led to innovative service delivery mechanisms and a cultural shift within local agencies. Greater use of data and evidence across the City of Baltimore has generated improved outcomes for residents in many of the top city priorities. Baltimore’s budgeting system is now serving as the exemplar model for nine local governments across the country. These governments are learning from Baltimore how to implement program elements into their budgets." 

You can read the article here:

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