Executive Summary for the Fiscal 2019 Recommended Budget Available Now

Wednesday May 2nd, 2018

Executive Summary Fiscal 2019

The Fiscal 2019 Preliminary Budget Plan recommended by the Department of Finance reflects the priorities of Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and responds to the ongoing fiscal challenges of the City. The budget totals $3.5 billion, including $2.82 billion for operating expenses and $680.9 million for capital investment. The General Fund budget totals $1.88 billion, a 2.4% increase from the Fiscal 2018 Adopted Budget. 

Mayor Pugh is focused on advancing the safety of Baltimore residents while preserving priority City services: "The Fiscal 2019 Board of Estimates budget recommendation represents a key step forward in my Violence Reduction Plan. Making Baltimore safe is a holistic effort among many agencies and partners, and this budget invests from every angle: strengthening core public safety agencies, providing funding for new evidence-based programs and technological improvements, and ensuring that our youth have paths to opportunity and achievement.  Even with the attention to violence reduction, I have remained focused on other key priorities. This budget plan maintains core City services, expands upon a major commitment to City Schools, and continues property tax reduction for homeowners."

View the budget document here.

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